Page 4
*Add a new raster layer.*
Using your pre-set shapes tool, hold the "Shift" key down and draw a
circle in this layer the same color you drew your rays with. Copy/Paste it
to center it then delete the layer you drew your first circle in. Apply
the pastel sponge filter to the circle. You may also want to change the
brightness/contrast on this layer to the same lighter color you used for
some of your rays.
*Add a new raster layer.*
Load the wompiesunface selection to this layer. ("Selections"..."Load from
Disk"..."wompiesunface"..."OK") Flood fill with black. De-select.
("Ctrl"..."D") Position the face, and reduce the size of the layer that
has the circle in it, if necessary. ("Image"..."Resize"..."Resize all
layers" UN-checked) I resized my circle layer by 90%. Don't forget to
sharpen once any time you re-size. You want the edge of the eyebrows
almost touching the edge of the circle.
*Add a new raster layer.*
Set your foreground color to a little darker orange. I used #E4620C. Use
your spray paint tool, Shape "Round", Size "35", Hardness "0", Opacity
"35, Step "25, Density "50" to spray cheeks on your sun face.
*Add a new raster layer.*
Set your foreground color to a dark gold. I used #AF9107. Use the same
settings for your airbrush, but change the size to "10." Shade the areas
above the eyes, between the eyebrows, down the nose and across the lips.
Your image should now look something like this:
Now go back to your layers palette and find the layer with your circle in
it. Click on it to make it active. Using your selection tool, rectangle,
draw a rectangular selection around the outside of the circle, then click
inside the circle to select it. Go back to your layers palette, click on
the top layer to make it active then
*Add a new raster layer.*
Apply a cut out to this new layer ("Effects"..."3-D Effects"..."Cutout")
Offset Vertical and Horizontal "-1", Opacity "25", Blur "5", Fill interior
with color UN-checked.
Now apply another cutout using the same settings, except change your
vertical and horizontal offset to "1." De-select. ("Ctrl"..."D")
If you want to add a contrasting colored medallion behind your sun face,
simply activate layer 1 in your layer palette, hold the shift key down to
draw a circle with the color you choose, copy/paste as a new layer to
center it, delete the original circle, then apply the same pastel sponge
preset to it that you used on the rest of your image. Here's mine: