Let's travel back in time to a simpler day before we had a television channel dedicated to weather. A day when we opened a window to see what the weather was like and looked up on the roof at our weathervane to see which direction the wind was blowing. Let's make a weathervane!

Supplies needed:

PSP 7 (this may be done in version 6, also)
Jane's Flying Santa tube
(or tube of your choice)
Thank you, Jane, for permission to use this tube!
Jane has loads of great tubes for download here.
Super BladePro or BladePro
gold Super BladePro preset (download some here)
VM Natural Sparkle Filter (download here)
Some decorative dingbat fonts (download some here) I used the "P Ornaments" font available for free download here.
PSP 8 Additonal Download Resources can be found here. (for arrow shapes)

Ok, got all your tubes and filters unzipped and  installed? Let's make a weathervane.