lanternswelc.jpg (66177 bytes)
lanternbar.jpg (10209 bytes)
lanternhome.jpg (6590 bytes)  lanternback.jpg (6562 bytes)  lanternnext.jpg (6529 bytes)
lanternbul.jpg (5818 bytes)
lanternmail.jpg (6602 bytes)  lanternsign.jpg (6436 bytes)  lanternread.jpg (6559 bytes)
lanternbul.jpg (5818 bytes)
lanternbio.jpg (6432 bytes)  lanternpics.jpg (6461 bytes)  lanternlinks.jpg (6567 bytes)
lanternbul.jpg (5818 bytes)
lanternfamily.jpg (6607 bytes)  lanternrings.jpg (6522 bytes)  lanternblank.jpg (6165 bytes)
Here is the inner tile to save:
lanternstile.jpg (5277 bytes)
lanternlogo.jpg (9914 bytes)
Do not add this background to any collection. Save images to your own hard drive. For exclusive use and/or customization, please  contact Kitty Wompuss. Please use this logo on every page you use this background. Link back to:
lanternbar.jpg (24304 bytes)
Paper lantern tube is from:


Tutorial for the paper lantern is from:


Dingbat for buttons is from:


Font used on buttons:

CAC Lasko Even Weight

Font color:


Background color:


Website Design © 2001, Kitty Wompuss